Concrete crystallizing waterproofing

Hidrolock ® Crystallizing Additive is a cementitious additive specially formulated to improve the impermeability of the concrete to which it is added. The active principles it contains give rise to a catalytic reaction in the core of the concrete that generates an insoluble crystalline material that precipitates in the pores and capillaries of said concrete structure, sealing them against the passage of water and causing a phenomenon of densification and waterproofing in the entire mass of concrete. In this way, the concrete is permanently waterproofed, both for positive and negative pressures, manifesting said impermeability even for high water pressures.



Code 0838
Display Saco 25 Kg

Uses and applications

Hidrolock ® Aditivo Cristalizador puede ser utilizado para la mayoría de estructuras de concreto que se espera tendrán contacto con agua en el futuro. Es recomendable, entre otras, para:

  • Estructuras prefabricadas
  • Puentes
  • Silos
  • Presas
  • Paredes y suelos de sótanos
  • Estanques y albercas
  • Túneles y galerías
  • Depósitos de agua potable
  • Estructuras marinas o costeras
  • Canales
  • Estructuras de estacionamientos

